January Events in Upcountry Maui

Upcountry Maui has many events every month for residents and visitors to attend. These events include concerts, parties, presentations, educational events, food drives, and more! A fun event for the whole family is being held at Casanova on Sunday, January 21st. Casanova is an Italian restaurant and deli located in Makawao, Maui. The restaurant is known for being one of Maui’s hot spots for nightlife entertainment. In fact, every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday night music and dancing fill the restaurant after the dinner rush comes to an end. On Sunday, January 21st Casanova is hosting an afternoon of fun and music for the whole family to enjoy. The event is called Soul Kitchen Sunday Afternoon live in Makawao. This live performance will be at Casanova from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. You will want to bring your dancing shoes. This event is a perfect way to wrap up an unforgettable week on Maui. Or, if you are just arriving on the island, you can attend as a perfect way to start your Hawaiian vacation. Soul Kitchen Maui was voted the best band of 2017 by Maui Time Weekly. You can listen to some of their ZydecoSoul style music on the Soul Kitchen Maui website. If you are interested in attending the event in Upcountry, you can buy tickets at www.soulkitchenmaui.com/shows. The event costs $10 per person if you purchase tickets in advance or $12 if you purchase them at the door. About the Author: Experience Upcountry Maui with Skyline Hawai’i on a guided tour. The relaxed culture and soaring views are just the beginning of what Upcountry Maui has to offer. For more information or to make your reservation today, visit: www.skylinehawaii.com.